Midland Harbour Murals

We were recently awarded two contracts for Midland’s call to artists to continue to beautify this harbour town which has more murals and public art than I’ve ever seen in a town of this size. If you’ve not been there, I recommend it for a stroll down the Main Street and around the harbour front (where you will see an enormous mural on the old grain terminal of Sainte Marie among the Hurons).

Rick, the Harbour Master sent me this video clip showing my murals that were just installed at the Midland Harbour. The concept for both laundry room murals involved (tugboat) portal windows into the heart of Georgian Bay. Examples shown here have photography of South Georgian Bay region and some new photography in Midland specifically. The requested theme of the murals was to celebrate Midland’s connection to Georgian Bay and Midland Tourism, Culture and Heritage..

After reviews with the Town of Midland to determine which images to feature in the murals; we agreed on a Natural World theme (sunset background) and Harbour/Town theme (blue water background).

In the harbour, they have facilities for the many boats that come through including a laundry room. The request included sourcing of alupanels for the artwork and the following:

The Town of Midland is commissioning two 4’x8′ murals to be located in the laundry room at the Midland Harbour.
The theme of the murals is to celebrate either Midland’s connection to Georgian Bay and/or Midland Tourism, Culture and Heritage, or may be abstract in concept and design.