Coming Soon – Mural at the Citadel

Rebecca and I have been working on a mural for the Citadel + Compagnie in Toronto at the Ross Centre for Dance. More details coming soon. Here is a quick rundown on the plan.

Ultimately the mural will be produced on alupanels to be installed along the bottom of this wall in the alley of the Citadel building.

“Citadel + Compagnie is a dance organization with its home, The Citadel: Ross Centre for Dance, embedded within the Regent Park community of downtown Toronto. Through its creation, curation and cultivation of contemporary dance, Citadel + Compagnie’s mission is to make a significant and lasting contribution to dance in Canada.” (excerpt from )

In addition to their primary mission as a dance organization, they provide classes to children in the community and they were invited to contribute to the mural by creating images of their community.

Their artwork was transformed to be the backdrop for some of the panels in the Joy of Dance sequences.

This project was funded by the City of Toronto for the Citadel. We are in the final stages of design approval and hope to have the mural installed on the wall in October.