There are numerous options for delivering exterior murals and Future Day has experience with several of them. There are pros and cons with the various materials and approaches for production. An […]
Canadian Geographic article – Interview: Kimberly Murray on honour and justice for missing Indigenous children – uses photography by Eden Remme Watt on Indigenous Memorials in Ottawa.
The following is a rough outline of some suggested get togethers for this coming year. An organizing committee will need to work on formalizing/finalizing so we can get the calendar […]
Another publication about our accomplishments at Wasaga Beach:
Photo transfer, painting, and resin on rocks has been an experiment that is growing to bigger and bigger rocks. These rocks last outdoors for many years although I tend to […]
These old Muskoka (/Adirondack) chairs were on their last legs but a power wash, sanding, tightening of screws and some painting to make them look like a Georgian Bay Sunset […]